I was on the Kotaku site looking for a topic that may interest me and I came upon one with this title, "This Isn't Sim City, Its A Musical Instrument." I thought to myself, "I love Sim City and musical instruments," so I clicked the link.
The article was about a game called "Isle of Tune," a easy to generate music simulator. It has a relatively straight foward interface were one may pick it up in the matter of minutes. First step is to lay down the road, second add houses, lamp post, trees, and shrubbery, lastly you place down your cars and hit go. When the cars should pass a landmark item it activates a sound. Lamp posts = drum beats, Trees = shallowed synth piano, Shrubs = a more vibrante synth piano, and Houses = random everyday noises. Each item is able to be changed such as the lamp posts and houses will make different noises while the trees and shrubs will produce different notes.
Don't worry about having musical brilliance or talent because after about five minutes of tinkering it becomes clear to how things work. But if you do want to see what others have done you can see other users islands if they uploaded them like this one...
And if you want to show the world your genius you too can upload you islands with a simple click.
My only problem with it is that there is no direct key that the music plays in which means if a famous song you want to create has a few sharps or flats you have to settle for the closest note. But overall a very well done program that is free to play here. Also the developers are currently working on getting it on the iPhone, iPod Touch, and the iPad.
So if you've got five minutes go ahead and try it and create something cool.