Thursday, February 10, 2011

A New Way To Type

I don't know about you but I have always had a serious issue typing on the three consoles. Whether it be typing in a personal message to a friend, typing in my gamertag and password to recover it, or putting in a code for an in game bonus or more Xbox Live time.

So that is why this article has caught my eye, Could This Be the Future of Typing On A Control Pad?. It talks about the production of a new way of controller typing for the Xbox 360 called the "Circboard."

It almost works like a cell phone being that certain keys can equal more than one input. To access a section of letters or punctuation move the left stick to the position. Then by using either the color coordinated buttons or the right thumb stick select the character of choice. Here is an example of its use...

At first look I imagine this system to be kind of slow but overtime I believe the use would become faster, similar to how one becomes familiar with cell phone texting.

Several video games have done this before such as "Killzone," but this one had a neutral selection as well and only had nine total boxes. I personally like the "Circboard" interface better but it might vary between users.

I would totally dig a program like this to be incorporated into each console. Some say why not buy a keyboard attachment for the bottom of your controller? Well because that's money and something that I wouldn't use enough to have it be worth it.

Overall I hope it makes it to better the lives of others. Maybe polish it up but a fast release would be ideal.

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